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How to increase customer satisfaction: use cases in customer experience management

How satisfied is a customer? What might a customer be missing? Would he or she recommend a product or service provider to others? The experiences that customers have in the purchasing process or in their interaction with a company are decisive for the success or failure of a sustainable customer relationship. Companies must ensure that customers have positive experiences across the whole customer journey. But how? Customer experience management can help.

Find the best time to ask the right questions and act on that feedback.
Dr. Andrew White
Head of Data Science, sovanta AG

In this podcast episode, Christian Heinrich talks about this with Dr. Andrew White, Head of Data Science and part of the Experience Management team at sovanta. As part of the Qualtrics Partner Network, our XM team implements exciting customer projects on the Qualtrics XM platform. Andrew White provides insights into different use cases and shows which survey metrics fit which business scenario. What’s the best way to get started with CXM? Does a survey fatigue exist? And how can you fight it? And what do you actually do with the customer insights you uncover?

Podcast | Episode 5.1 | 33:21 Minutes

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Podcast guest:

Dr. Andrew White joined sovanta in 2017 and helped build the Data Science team there. Since 2019, sovanta has been part of the Qualtrics Partner Network and Andrew, as a PhD in Psychology, has taken a central role in the XM team from the beginning. His scientific background, deep understanding of methodology and love for data make him a key contact for all clients in Experience Management.

XM CXM Qualtrics Experience Management