Design Thinking Raum Heidelberg

We find the right workshop format

Depending on where you are in your project, a different workshop format is the right approach achieve success quickly. For all formats, we follow our three success factors for creative workshops.

Demand Clarification

Before we can give a concrete offer for your request, we want to understand what we can help you with and how. During a half-day Demand Clarification Workshop, we work with you to shed light on the background of your project, prioritize the most important stakeholders and users, and evaluate the technical framework. In this way, we create a clear understanding of the appropriate project approach and the basis for a transparent and well-founded offer.

Together we define a clear roadmap for successful project entry.

We start with an inspirational talk “Why User Centeredness matters” and then approach the topic together via various warm-up games. We concretize the project focus with a stakeholder map and the Pains-and-Gains Mapping. Afterwards, you will receive a comprehensive visual summary of the workshop.

Design Scoping

The framework for your project is defined and you want to get started as soon as possible. But what costs will you incur during the entire implementation? Don’t go into the project blind! With our Design Scoping Workshop, you create the basis for an optimal and transparent start to the project.

Benefit from high planning reliability.

Within a 1-day workshop, we consider all relevant dimensions that are important for the requirements profile of your solution: the users, the requirements, and the system landscape. Based on this, we visualize the initial situation, i.e. the actual process, and then design the solution, i.e. the new target process. This is followed by a prioritized list of all solution components paired with an initial evaluation of the technical framework and dependencies. You receive an MVP scope (Minimal Viable Product) as well as a high-level project plan for the path to the finished solution. The comprehensive visual documentation of the workshop as well as a detailed visualization of the target process for internal communication enable you to start development quickly and in a targeted manner.

Design Thinking

Stalled projects? No idea how to get the project off the ground quickly? The requirements or the problem are not clearly defined? Or are you simply looking for a new mindset to work creatively in a team? This is where our Design Thinking Workshop for Business Solutions can help.

Risk minimization: No investment of resources in “wrong” solutions.

With the help of our design thinking approach, we look at your business process from the user’s perspective. The goal is to use human-centered design to create a digital application that supports users in their daily work in the best possible way. In our 1.5-day Design Thinking Workshop, we first create a common view of your problem and sharpen the question. Using established Design Thinking methods such as the “Empathy Map” and the “Game Plan”, we illuminate the current and target state and uncover the underlying user needs. On this basis, we generate solution approaches that we make directly tangible for you by means of prototyping. Together we qualify and prioritize these scenarios with regard to user needs, business case and feasibility. The final workshop documentation serves as the basis for a possible follow-up project.

Contact us

With the correct workshop format, our experienced Design Thinking coaches help you to get a fast and efficient start to your project.

Christian Schäfer: Conversational UIs
Christian Schäfer
Head of Design

Your Contact

Christian Schäfer is Head of Design at sovanta and teaches User Experience and Interaction Design at the University of Applied Sciences Mannheim.
sovanta UX Design