What SAP BTP can do for you 

The SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) is the new home for SAP-based innovation – but what does that mean for you and your concrete use cases? The possibilities of the SAP offering are great but can also make you feel a bit overwhelmed. Our Discovery Workshop “What the SAP BTP can do” gives you an overview tailored to your individual needs.

SAP Business Technology Platform: The engine for your innovations

The market is all about SAP Business Technology Platform, the cloud offering from Walldorf that “gives you the flexibility to build, manage and deliver your applications, and connect data and business processes” (SAP.com).

That sounds promising at first, but many questions remain unanswered at that level: How can a company individually benefit from SAP BTP? Which part of the wide range of products do I really need? How do I use it correctly? How and where do I start? And how do others use the SAP offering in the cloud?

Regardless of whether you are already working with SAP BTP or are about to do so – as SAP experts, we will address your questions and work with you in an interactive workshop format to develop an initial concept of how the SAP standard can work best for you. We also explain which of the many options on the SAP BTP are really important for your individual use case.

Our offer “Discovery Worksshop: SAP BTP” at a glance::

  • 1x Discovery Workshop á 3h (virtual or physical)
  • Basic understanding of the technical fundamentals and core com-ponents of SAP BTP
  • Best practices from other customer projects
  • The concept for the implementation of your requirements on the SAP BTP
  • Documentation as a quick start into a follow-up project
The SAP Business Technology Platform is the ideal basis for bringing your individual use cases to the cloud.

The ideal participant setup covers four to eight participants from your side. For example, an IT manager who manages the SAP landscape, a product owner who brings the relevant use cases, and two team members who bring the use cases to life.

Trust in the long-standing SAP development partner

Benefit from a clear and transparent view of the SAP Technology Platform:

  • First-hand knowledge transfer from experienced SAP experts
  • Key terms and approaches from the SAP world put into perspective
  • Stumbling blocks and possible sources of errors get uncovered directly
  • Your team is quickly ready to get started with a follow-up project and benefit from all advantages

Any questions?

Talk to us. We will be happy to put together an offer for you that exactly fits your team
and fits the individual requirements.

Christian Heinrich: Marketing & Solutions
Christian Heinrich
Chief Solutions Officer, Executive Board Member

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Christian Heinrich is a member of the Executive Board of sovanta AG and is responsible for Marketing & Solutions, Experience Management and the Design Lab. He combines a deep understanding of customer needs with expert knowledge in the latest technologies in the SAP market to bring both together for innovative solutions.
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Extensions SAP Business Technology Platform Software Development