SAP Datasphere – A one-stop-shop for Data

SAP BTP is constantly growing with new services, tools and releases. Last month, the big announcement around the new product “SAP Datasphere” was an important topic. Whenever there is something new around the topic of “data” from SAP, it calls Dr. Tommi Kramer, Head of Data Science at sovanta, to the scene. Here he shares his insights:

SAP Datasphere simplifies access to data

With SAP Datasphere, the two products Data Warehouse Cloud and Data Intelligence will be brought together under one roof in the future. This has the advantage that access to data on the SAP BTP will be enormously simplified, not only within the SAP ecosystem but also to external data sources. In future, SAP Datasphere will be the hub for accessing and processing data on the SAP BTP – be it for combining raw and business data with processes on the one hand or for integrating customised AI models on the other.

For me, SAP Datasphere plays an important role in data governance on the SAP BTP.
Dr. Tommi Kramer
Head of Data Science, sovanta AG

It is all about data

In my opinion, the success of the SAP BTP as an innovation platform is based on the workflows. Only those who start thinking early about which data is stored where and in which data models, how it can be accessed, which transformations are to be carried out and who can access it with which authorisations have created a reliable and scalable foundation on which all SAP BTP users can build.

Limits and opportunities

Certainly, there are currently still good reasons to continue working with existing solutions such as Data Intelligence. For example, SAP Datasphere does not yet support data integration in JSON format, which would be an important function for processing raw data in the form of individual files. Nevertheless, the functional scope of SAP Datasphere will be rapidly expanded in the coming months, so that even such deficits can be neglected in the near future. The direct use of data from SAP Datasphere in SAP Analytics Cloud, on the other hand, offers numerous visualisation options that can be generated quickly.

Do you have questions about SAP Datasphere? Feel free to contact us, we look forward to the exchange.

Tommi Kramer: Data Science
Dr. Tommi Kramer
Chief AI Officer

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Dr. Tommi Kramer is responsible for Data Science at sovanta AG. Together with his team, he works on innovative approaches around machine learning and thus develops intelligent models for the optimization of business processes.
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