Product Configuration with AI
Statistical algorithms suggest a final configuration to buyers in the B2B web shop after just a few steps.
To buy a complex product online, buyers usually have to click through each feature one by one using a configurator. An algorithm can significantly shorten this process: It compares all non-configured features, analyzes historical shopping carts, and suggests the feature with the highest information content in order to reach the end of the configuration faster.
Automatic detection of the configuration that is preferred most by the user. As a result:
Three success factors of the Product Configuration with AI:
- Significantly improved user experience: on average 60% fewer clicks to complete a product configuration
- Potentially more completed purchases: smaller barriers for buyers to order products online
- The algorithm reflects the current preferences of the buyers
Industrial Manufacturing
Customer / Webshop User
SAP BTP, SAP HANA, Python, Akamai
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