Event Experience Management Program for CONNECT

How well is the SAP event “CONNECT 2022 – SAP Partner Summit” received by event visitors? Which formats, sessions and keynotes perform best? As the event organizer, SAP wanted to collect live feedback during the SAP Partner Summit. On the one hand, to be able to react directly to it during the event and, on the other hand, to tailor the event even better to the target group in the following year. sovanta supported with an event experience management program.

We have already gained exciting insights during the event and collected many ideas for the next CONNECT. For this we would like to thank our Experience Partner sovanta AG.
Susanne Diehm
Chief Partner Officer, MEE Partner Ecosystem Success, SAP

Live Feedback at the SAP Partner Summit 2022

We were on site in Hamburg as an Experience Partner of CONNECT: Before the event, we set up an event survey landscape with Qualtrics XM for the CONNECT team. This meant that three surveys could be made available to all participants via QR codes on the days of the event.

  • Session Feedback: Questions about each of the 30 sessions
  • Keynote Feedback: Questions about each of the 5 keynotes
  • Event Feedback: General questions about the event and the various formats, as well as the option to submit session feedback and keynote feedback.

The QR codes were embedded in presentations and on screens and promoted via flyers, stickers and walk staff. Three live dashboards were available for evaluation:

  • Overview to overall feedback
  • Feedback on sessions, keynotes & formats
  • Event Feedback

The path to an optimal event experience

The survey landscape brought transparency to the event experience while the event was still running – so the organizer could react directly to negative feedback and improve the event experience. In addition, a live ranking of sessions, keynotes and formats was possible, as the QR codes for the respective surveys were integrated directly at the end of the presentations.

The various touchpoints to the survey made it easy to give feedback directly at the event and ensured that the participants felt involved and thus also for a high response rate. The evaluations and dashboards now serve as a basis for planning further events after the CONNECT 2022: What works well in my target group, what doesn’t?

Survey responses at live event with 1,500 event attendees

SAP Recap Video: This was CONNECT 2022

SAP has summarized the impressions of the two days of the event in a video on YouTube.




Event attendees

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Any questions?

We would be happy to talk to you about projects that are not only exciting, but can also be successfully implemented.

Christian Heinrich: Marketing & Solutions
Christian Heinrich
Chief Solutions Officer, Executive Board Member

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Christian Heinrich is a member of the Executive Board of sovanta AG and is responsible for Marketing & Solutions, Experience Management and the Design Lab. He combines a deep understanding of customer needs with expert knowledge in the latest technologies in the SAP market to bring both together for innovative solutions.
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XM Qualtrics Experience Management