Sustainability – more than just a buzzword at the SAP AppHaus Network Meetup
As one of the 16 global partners of the SAP AppHaus Network, we drive innovation in the SAP ecosystem. But what does that mean? How do our customers benefit from our sovanta AppHaus Hamburg? Do we as a network identify trends around human-centered design, SAP Business Technology Platform and Co. from which our customers can benefit?
At the exclusive SAP AppHaus Network Meetup in Heidelberg, partners from Australia, Belgium, Canada, UK, Austria and many other countries came together. And sovanta was part of it. Three days filled with keynotes, breakout sessions, partner share outs and networking. Our highlight: We were particularly impressed by Glenn González, CTO, SAP Germany, with his presentation on “Sustainability”. Because regardless of all the current technologies and methods – no company will be able to avoid the major topic of sustainability in the coming years. What is needed now is to be properly prepared today – and we would like to help our customers in this. Christian Schäfer, Head of Design at sovanta, summarized the most important insights and approaches:
What is sustainability and why is it so important?
One thing is clear to all of us by now: companies have to act responsibly – towards society, their own employees and the environment. In his presentation at the AppHaus Network Meet Up 2022, Glenn González explained why it is important to react early and correctly to these developments. It quickly became clear that, in addition to digital transformation, the topic of sustainability is currently omnipresent. Companies are actively seeking help in dealing with the issue of sustainability. But how do you actively promote topics such as climate neutrality in order to successfully secure a competitive advantage in the future? How do companies also promote the topic of sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) internally? How do we shape initiated transformation processes in a fair, clean and transparent way?
Sustainable with the Life Centered Design approach
As an SAP AppHaus Network Partner, we follow the Life Centered Design approach. Thanks to the SAP AppHaus we already have the right set of methods and workshop formats to design the “preferred future” together with our customers. And all of this in line with the values of innovation, quality, sustainability, environmental friendliness and fairness.
How do our customers discover the right ways in communication and in the market to tackle the current conditions with an awareness of overarching sustainability goals? For example, via a “Use Case Exploration Workshop”, a zoom into the company to analyze challenges and impact of solutions. Or in the “Purpose & Sustainability Exploration Workshop” with a zoom out of the company to evaluate solutions in the larger context. At every moment, one question is constantly asked: Is this really meaningful, sustainable and value-creating?
Lighthouse projects around sustainability
Our goal is to digitally bring the topic of sustainability to life in companies with strong lighthouse projects, thereby making our contribution to a better world that is fair to all our customers, investors and employees. We are very excited about what the future holds for us and our customers in this field. In any case, we feel well equipped with the SAP AppHaus Network behind us. After all, our joint mission is to bring the human-centered design approach to innovation projects and thus help our customers transform themselves into sustainable and intelligent companies.