SAP Fiori Extension Library by sovanta®: Brings more flexibility into your SAP Fiori projects

With the SAP Fiori Library Extension by sovanta you have access to an extensive collection of templates and UI controls. Seamlessly integrated and therefore immediately usable in your SAP Fiori projects and for your SAP Fiori developers.

The SAP Fiori Library Extension by sovanta builds on the standard SAP Fiori Library and complements it with missing UI controls and templates. All elements are based on our experience from a multitude of Fiori projects and have already proven themselves.

Thus, the balancing act succeeds: the right degree of flexibility in an otherwise completely standardized environment. When developing the extension, we explicitly had the SAP Fiori developer in mind as the central user. That’s why the extension works exactly like the underlying SAP Library. This quickly enables the developer to use the additional controls in the same, learned way.

Screenshot: SAP Fiori Library

The good thing: Our SAP Fiori Library Extension is growing.

New templates and controls are continuously being added, including your own if you like.

  • Over 70 tested and established UI controls
  • Seamless integration into SAP Fiori projects
  • Extensive documentation with examples and templates
  • Integration with SAP development tools
  • Established enhancement concept to also add customer-specific controls to the library

Trust the long-standing SAP Fiori development partner

Benefit from a significantly faster realization of SAP Fiori solutions through established templates in our SAP Fiori Extension Library. Because we know: greater flexibility leads to better SAP Fiori solutions that really fit your challenges. That’s why we regularly update our library with new elements and controls that are already successfully in use in productive applications. And so that you don’t lose any time, our extensions are ready for immediate use, without any training for your Fiori experts.

Please contact us. We will be happy to put together an offer for you that exactly fits your team
and your individual requirements.

Christian Heinrich: Marketing & Solutions
Christian Heinrich
Chief Solutions Officer, Executive Board Member

Your Contact

Christian Heinrich is a member of the Executive Board of sovanta AG and is responsible for Marketing & Solutions, Experience Management and the Design Lab. He combines a deep understanding of customer needs with expert knowledge in the latest technologies in the SAP market to bring both together for innovative solutions.
Fiori Services SAP Fiori Software Development