New Supervisory Board for sovanta AG

At this year’s Annual General Meeting of sovanta AG, a new Supervisory Board was elected. Also here, sovanta AG relies on continuity.

We are pleased that Dr. Georg Konrad and Frank Merkel, two long-standing members of the Supervisory Board, will remain in office and continue to support sovanta in word and deed over the next five years. The three-member board is completed by the newly appointed Wolfgang Bläsi. With Bläsi the Supervisory Board is gaining a proven financial expert who, with his competence and experience, will be an important advisor to sovanta in the upcoming years.

Dr. Georg Konrad will continue to chair the Supervisory Board as Chairman. Wolfgang Bläsi will be the new Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

Frank Merkel, Dr. Georg Konrad & Wolfgang Bläsi