Many first times at the DSAG Technologietage 2024 in Hamburg

The event year is already going strong in 2024. And like every year, one of our first highlights is a DSAG event: the DSAG Technologietage 2024. Our BTP Squad was at the Congress Center in Hamburg – at the booth, on stage, and, of course, in all the exciting presentations. A first-time participant: Sven Arndt, Head of Development at sovanta. Sven takes us through the three days of the event and shares personal insights into the presentations and discussions.

Diverse Keynote: SAP BTP, Generative AI, and Exciting Use Cases

Jürgen Müller, CTO & Executive Board Member of SAP SE ensured a truly great start to the event days. In his keynote in interview format with DSAG Technology Board Member Sebastian Westphal, he addressed very practical topics, such as how SAP responds to customer requirements that are not yet provided in the new cloud world. Particularly interesting for me was his vision for the use of Generative AI. Not only can you build your solutions with LLM using the Generative AI Hub, but the HANA Cloud Vector Engine also enables efficient use of data in standard AI scenarios with SAP Joule, as well as self-developed intelligent solutions. The sovanta AI & Data team is already working on numerous use cases with this new technology, and I am excited to see how the GenAI Hub will further change the SAP world.

Personal exchange makes the difference

After the keynote, the first conversations took place at our sovanta booth. It was a great opportunity for me to exchange ideas with other participants about the challenges of using SAP BTP and its services. I actually met some customers in Hamburg for the first time – this will make collaboration even more intense in the future, and I look forward to diving deeper into the SAP BTP world together. An absolute plus point of our booth for me: the sovanta nachos and the location right next to the barista stand. A big thank you to my colleague Isabel for the smooth organization.

DSAGTT24: Highlights

In this video, we take you through our two days at the DSAG Technologietage.

sovanta and Freudenberg on Stage at Technologietage 2024

Schon in der Vorbereitung auf das Event hat mich die Agenda vor einige Entscheidungen gestellt, denn es gab so viele Vorträge, die ich mir gerne anhören wollte. So musste ich mich beispielsweise entscheiden zwsichen Themen wie “Monitoring von SAP BTP mit SAP Cloud ALM und OpenTelemetry” und “Leitfäden, Referenzarchitekturen und Best Practices für die SAP BTP”. Ein Vortrag stand für mich aber ganz oben auf der Wunsch-Liste: “Zwischen Zentral und Dezentral – Custom Multi-Tenant Apps bei der Freudenberg Gruppe”. Mit richtig schön viel technologischem Tiefgang führte uns mein Kollegen Jan Mühlbauer zusammen mit Simon Jarke von der Freudenberg & Co. KG durch detaillierte Code Snippets und zeigte, wie man mit geringem Aufwand eine Multi-Tenancy App auf der SAP BTP bauen kann.

I was already faced with some difficult decisions in the run-up to the event because there were so many presentations I wanted to attend. For example, I had to choose between topics like “Monitoring SAP BTP with SAP Cloud ALM and OpenTelemetry” and “Guides, Reference Architectures, and Best Practices for SAP BTP.” However, one presentation was at the top of my wish list: “Between Central and Decentral – Custom Multi-Tenant Apps at Freudenberg Group.” With a lot of technological depth, my colleague Jan Mühlbauer, together with Simon Jarke from Freudenberg & Co. KG, guided us through detailed code snippets, demonstrating how to build a multi-tenancy app on SAP BTP with minimal effort.

The first afterwork event at the sovanta AppHaus in Hamburg

Wenn wir schon in Hamburg sind, dann liegt es nahe, auch unser Büro in der Hafen City zu besuchen. Ich bin immer wieder gerne im sovanta AppHaus Hamburg und habe mich besonders gefreut, die tolle Location diesmal so vielen Kunden zeigen zu können. Beim sovanta Afterwork-Event haben wir die Eindrücke des ersten Tages auf den DSAG Technologietagen gemeinsam bei einem Astra, Fischbrötchen und witzigen Geschichten ausklingen lassen. Das perfekte Setup für ein entspanntes Networking fernab des Event-Trubels: Was waren die ersten Berührungspunkte mit der IT? Vor welche Herausforderungen stellen uns Hackerangriffe? Und welche Überraschungen halten verschiedene Projekte bereit?

If we’re already in Hamburg, it makes sense to visit our office in the HafenCity. I always enjoy being at the sovanta AppHaus Hamburg, and this time, I was particularly pleased to be able to show this fantastic location to so many customers. During the sovanta Afterwork event, we wrapped up the impressions from the first day of the DSAG Technologietage 2024 together over an Astra beer, fish sandwiches, and amusing stories. It was the perfect setup for relaxed networking away from the event hustle and bustle: What were the initial encounters with IT? What challenges do cyberattacks pose for us? And what surprises do different projects have in store for us?

Cloud Center of Excellence with Gebrüder Heinemann and sovanta

On the second day of the DSAG Technologietage 2024, it was finally my turn: My first presentation at the DSAG Technologietage was scheduled. Fortunately, I didn’t have to go on stage alone. Together with Benedikt Althaus from Gebrüder Heinemann, I hold the presentation on “Cloud Center of Excellence at Gebrüder Heinemann: How to Successfully Scale on SAP BTP”. We shared how a Cloud Center of Excellence helps to systematically set up SAP BTP, enabling applications to be developed and utilized quickly, securely, and efficiently. I was very pleased with the consistently positive feedback. The CoE topic seems to be highly relevant in the SAP community, and I look forward to the continued journey with our customers, such as Gebrüder Heinemann.

Would you like to learn more about my presentation? Feel free to approach me.

Sven Arndt
Head of Development

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Sven Arndt is Head of Development at sovanta. He has enriched a large number of projects with his knowledge as a software engineer and cloud solution architect. As an innovator, he plays a key role in the development of overarching topics such as development operations, platform engineering, security and data protection, both internally and for customers. His current focus is on SAP BTP and the associated sovanta offerings around anSAP BTP CoE.
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