Is your organization ready to start a transformation project?

Large transformation projects always involve making lots of decisions and carry the weight of immense responsibility. You can’t afford to make mistakes. Is your organization ready for the challenge ahead? We’ll find out with our ETX Readiness Assessment.

ETX Readiness Assessment with Qualtrics XM

Our ETX Readiness Assessment is a very lightweight solution: We send out a pre-configured survey to all stakeholders after your project is scoped. The questions assess the confidence level, cooperation, and alignment levels of teams. The results are provided in an intuitive dashboard within three weeks of the ETX Readiness Assessment launch.

You have a 360-degree view of key project stakeholders’ perspectives, and can mitigate risks by taking action before the heavy lifting of the project begins. Safeguard the success of your investment!
Cody Wedl
Head of Experience Management, sovanta AG

Benefit from the perfect pilot project for the early phase of a transformation project.

The ETX Readiness Assessment is an out-of-the-box survey with suitable dashboard:

  • Role-based survey
  • Teams involved: key user, internal project team, third-party project team, IT
  • Configuration services: three days
  • Intuitive dashboard with preconfigured filters
  • Included: Qualtrics ETX license to ask up to 1,000 employees

Are you satisfied with the pilot? Then use our ETX out-of-the-box solution at all critical touchpoints throughout the project.


ETX, the X-Factor for your transformation project Complex and cost-intensive transformation projects effect an entire organization and have the stigma of “too big to fail”. Companies need to ensure that …

Looking for more benefits?

With our pilot ETX Readiness Assessment, you understand if your organization is prepared and aligned for your transformation project. Analyze the maturity level of the project to ensure the project team has the information, understanding, and resources to start. This way, you gain transparency about the status quo and avoid blind spots in the transformation project.

Get in the driver’s seat of your transformation project and ensure success

We look forward to presenting our solution to you. Please feel free to contact us.

Cody Wedl
Head of Business Development | President sovanta America Inc.

Your Contact

Cody Wedl is responsible for our strong partnership with SAP and Qualtrics XM. As President of sovanta America Inc. he is also responsible for all go-to-market activities in the USA.
XM Experience Management