Jan MühlbauerChief Technology Officer

Jan Mühlbauer was born in Heidelberg in 1982. He taught himself programming while still at school and devoted large parts of his free time to the development of small tools and games. After graduating, he studied computer science at the University of Applied Sciences in Mannheim in order to channel his passion into a professional career.

After successfully completing his studies, he started his career as a software engineer at a Mannheim-based company specializing in automatic visual inspection of sand cores, molds and other manufacturing products for the automotive industry. His focus here was on the development of image processing algorithms and tools.

With the launch of the first iPads, the interest in iOS development grew. For this reason, Jan Mühlbauer moved to sovanta AG in 2010 – shortly after the company was founded. At sovanta AG, he was able to play a key role in shaping the paradigm shift that was occurring in the area of business applications, always with the goal that business applications should be easy to use.

As the company grew, Jan Mühlbauer continuously developed his know-how in technologies and architectures. Over time, he was given more and more responsibility. Since 2018, he has been Head of Development. In 2021, he was appointed to the management board of sovanta AG.

The passionate mountain biker and predator fisherman lives in Sandhausen, is married and father of two children.