
Chatbot for partner fair SAP CONNECT

Voice-based systems are now widely accepted in the consumer sector and are increasingly used productively for business applications. sovanta is an expert in this field: we developed a corresponding solution for SAP for the SAP CONNECT partner trade fair.

Automated event management

CONNECT 2019, organized by SAP, is considered the largest German-speaking partner congress. With an event of such magnitude and a correspondingly large number of organizers and participants, it can quickly become confusing. Many questions arise, which are also frequently repeated, for example: “Where is a particular event taking place? Which accommodation is best for me? When do the lectures start on the second day?” Event managers are confronted with these and other questions – en masse. sovanta was able to dramatically reduce the corresponding workload of those responsible. Our solution: a chatbot that looked after visitors before, during, and after the event.

A Bot from sovanta for SAP

Together with SAP, we developed a chatbot that can be accessed via the official event page. To be able to intercept the users’ questions as best as possible, we organized a workshop with participants from different areas in advance – this way, as many perspectives as possible could be incorporated into the development. A major advantage: The chatbot was developed based on SAP standard technology and can therefore be seamlessly integrated into SAP ecosystems. It also benefits from the experience we already have from similar projects, and thanks to its sustainable design, it constantly responds to input so that the chatbot learns over time.

The bot’s capabilities include even more to create a pleasant user experience: For the optimal balance of information and user experience, it masters so-called Quick Replies. These are suggestions the bot makes when it couldn’t understand a question directly, so the user doesn’t get stuck in a dead-end. In addition, our internal development guide was used, which takes into account aspects such as answer length and pauses in speech. All in all, this took away users’ inhibitions and encouraged them to interact.

Partnerschaft leben

We not only have sovanta AG to thank for the official chatbot of the SAP Connect Partersummit. They also know how to live a partnership.
Christoph Behrent
Executive Vice President Industry & Application Innovation von der SAP SE

With an accuracy rate of over 70 percent, the event chatbot was a great help for visitors CONNECT 2019 and a signal success story. Moreover, it is a testimony to a profitable connection: As a long-standing partner and recently also SAP AppHaus partner, we live intensive cooperation.


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Q4 / 2019

Christian Schäfer: Conversational UIs
Christian Schäfer
Head of Design

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Christian Schäfer is Head of Design at sovanta and teaches User Experience and Interaction Design at the University of Applied Sciences Mannheim.
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Simplify IT Chatbots SAP Business Technology Platform Conversa­tional UIs